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Email stage

This stage can be used for email verification. authentik's background worker will send an email using the specified connection details. When an email can't be delivered, delivery is automatically retried periodically.


By default, the email is sent to the currently pending user. To override this, you can set email in the plan's context to another email address, which will override the user's email address (the user won't be changed).

For example, create this expression policy and bind it to the email stage:

request.context["flow_plan"].context["email"] = "foo@bar.baz"
# Or get it from a prompt
# request.context["flow_plan"].context["email"] = request.context["prompt_data"]["email"]
# Or another user attribute
# request.context["flow_plan"].context["email"] = request.context["pending_user"].attributes.get("otherEmail")
return True

Custom Templates

You can also use custom email templates, to use your own design or layout.

Place any custom templates in the `custom-templates` Folder, which is in the same folder as your docker-compose file. Afterwards, you'll be able to select the template when creating/editing an Email stage.

This is currently only supported for docker-compose installs, and supported starting version 0.15.


If you've add the line and created a file, and can't see if, check the logs using docker-compose logs -f worker.

Example template

Templates are rendered using Django's templating engine. The following variables can be used:

  • url: The full URL for the user to click on
  • user: The pending user object.
  • expires: The timestamp when the token expires.
{# This is how you can write comments which aren't rendered. #} {# Extend this
template from the base email template, which includes base layout and CSS. #} {%
extends "email/base.html" %} {# Load the internationalization module to
translate strings, and humanize to show date-time #} {% load i18n %} {% load
humanize %} {# The email/base.html template uses a single "content" block #} {%
block content %}
<td class="alert alert-success">
{% blocktrans with username=user.username %} Hi {{ username }}, {%
endblocktrans %}
<td class="content-wrap">
<table width="100%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0">
<td class="content-block">
{% blocktrans %} You recently requested to change your
password for you authentik account. Use the button below to
set a new password. {% endblocktrans %}
<td class="content-block">
class="btn btn-primary"
<td align="center">
href="{{ url }}"
rel="noopener noreferrer"
>{% trans 'Reset
Password' %}</a
<td class="content-block">
{% blocktrans with expires=expires|naturaltime %} If you did
not request a password change, please ignore this Email. The
link above is valid for {{ expires }}. {% endblocktrans %}
{% endblock %}